title=Boeing 737-200 DELTA CIRCA 1990
sim=7372 // Using the original air file with Mike Baumann's configuration, replace with 737NG for his air file.
ui_variation=Delta Circa 1990
description=Boeing 737-200 Delta Airlines circa 1990 \n\ repaint copyright:Joe DeGregorio 12-2005

performance=FDE by Mike Baumann (2004)\n\nEngine's type: P & W JT8D-15\nStatic T/O Thrust (per engine) 15500 lb.\nMax. range 2600 nm LRC\nMax. T/O weight 128100 lbs\nCruising altitude 31 - 35000 ft Mach 0.73-0.78\nFuel weight set at 5160 US Gal 34572 lbs (no aux tanks applied)\nCruising speed 483 knots TAS\nMax.  structural payload 29700 lbs\nMax landing weight 107000 lbs\nPassenger config set at 130 Pax single class, 6 crew (2 flight 4 cabin) baggage for 136

gear_bump_nose_magnitude=	5000
gear_bump_nose_direction=	18000
gear_bump_nose_duration=	250000
gear_bump_left_magnitude=	4000
gear_bump_left_direction=	35500
gear_bump_left_duration=	250000
gear_bump_right_magnitude=	4000
gear_bump_right_direction=	00500
gear_bump_right_duration=	250000
ground_bumps_magnitude1=	2000
ground_bumps_angle1=		09000
ground_bumps_intercept1=	3.0
ground_bumps_slope1=		0.20
ground_bumps_magnitude2=	500
ground_bumps_angle2=		09100
ground_bumps_intercept2=	1.075
ground_bumps_slope2=		0.035
crash_magnitude1=		10000
crash_direction1=		01000
crash_magnitude2=		10000
crash_direction2=		9000
crash_period2=			75000
crash_duration2=		2500000

elevator_effectiveness=      1.00
aileron_effectiveness=       1.00
rudder_effectiveness=        1.00
elevator_trim_effectiveness= 1.00
aileron_trim_effectiveness=  1.00
rudder_trim_effectiveness=   1.00
pitch_stability=             1.20
roll_stability=              1.20
yaw_stability=               1.20
cruise_lift_scalar=          1.00
parasite_drag_scalar=        1.80
induced_drag_scalar=         1.05

reference_datum_position=	0.00,0.00,0.00
empty_weight_CG_position=	0.00,0.00,0.00
max_number_of_stations=		10
station_load.0= 		"450,  43.50, 0.00, 4.50,FlghtCrew x2"
station_load.1= 		"500,  38.00, 2.00, 5.00,Fwd Galley"
station_load.2= 		"250,  37.00,-2.00, 4.50,FCbnCrew x 2"
station_load.3= 		"6000, 25.00, 0.00, 4.50,FrwdPas x 41"
station_load.4= 		"2000, 22.00, 0.00,-1.00,FCrgBge x 46"
station_load.5= 		"7000,  2.00, 0.00, 4.50,MidPass x 42"
station_load.6= 		"4000,-18.00, 0.00,-1.00,ACrgBge x 90"
station_load.7= 		"7500,-20.00, 0.00, 4.50,AftPass x 47"
station_load.8= 		"250, -30.50,-2.00, 4.50,ACbnCrew x 2"
station_load.9= 		"700, -34.00, 2.00, 5.00,Aft Galley"
empty_weight=			65300
empty_weight_roll_MOI=		1401400
empty_weight_pitch_MOI=		1580000
empty_weight_yaw_MOI=		1500000
empty_weight_coupled_MOI=	0
max_gross_weight=		128600

Engine.1=-3.00, 17.00,-2.50

fuel_flow_gain=    	0.003
inlet_area=       	8.9462
rated_N2_rpm=  		12250
static_thrust= 		15500
afterburner_available=	0
reverser_available=	1

thrust_scalar = 0.95

wing_area=              980.00
wing_span=               93.00
wing_root_chord=         19.80
wing_dihedral=            6.00
wing_incidence=           1.00
wing_twist=               0.80
oswald_efficiency_factor= 0.88
wing_winglets_flag=       0
wing_sweep=              25.00
wing_pos_apex_lon=       14.50
wing_pos_apex_vert=       0.00
htail_area=             408.00
htail_span=              36.00
htail_pos_lon=          -39.50
htail_pos_vert=           7.25
htail_dihedral=           7.00
htail_incidence=          1.00
htail_sweep=             30.00
vtail_area=             405.00
vtail_span=              19.91
vtail_sweep=             35.00
vtail_pos_lon=          -30.55
vtail_pos_vert=          10.30
elevator_area=           70.50
aileron_area=            26.80
rudder_area=             56.20
elevator_up_limit=       26.10
elevator_down_limit=     26.10
aileron_up_limit=        19.00
aileron_down_limit=      19.00
rudder_limit=            23.50
elevator_trim_limit=     19.00
spoiler_limit=           60.00
spoilerons_available=     1

[Reference Speeds]
flaps_up_stall_speed=	145
full_flaps_stall_speed=	115
cruise_speed=		483
max_indicated_speed=	350
max_mach=		0.81


// My tweaked contact points

point.0= 1,  38.00,   0.00, -7.15, 1574.80, 0, 2.216, 70.0, 0.22,  4.1, 0.639, 6.1, 6.3, 0, 180, 250	//nose gear
point.1= 1,  -1.75, -10.00, -8.35, 1574.80, 1, 3.371,  0.0, 0.55 , 2.5, 0.639, 6.3, 6.7, 2, 180, 250	//left main
point.2= 1,  -1.75,  10.00, -8.35, 1574.80, 2, 3.371,  0.0, 0.55 , 2.5, 0.639, 6.2, 6.6, 3, 180, 250	//right main

point.3= 2, -12.60, -48.45,  3.00,  787.80, 0. 0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   0.0, 0.0,   0.0, 0.0, 5,   0,   0	//left wingtip
point.4= 2, -12.60,  48.45,  3.00,  787.80, 0, 0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   0.0, 0.0,   0.0, 0.0, 6,   0,   0	//right wingtip
point.5= 2, -51.60,   0.00,  7.60,  787.80, 0, 0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   0.0, 0.0,   0.0, 0.0, 9,   0,   0	//tail
point.6= 2,  52.00,   0.00,  1.75,  787.80, 0, 0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   0.0, 0.0,   0.0, 0.0, 4,   0,   0	//nose
point.7= 2, -22.70,   0.00, -2.30,  787.80, 0, 0.0,    0.0, 0.0,   0.0, 0.0,   0.0, 0.0, 4,   0,   0	//lower aft fuselage scrape point

static_pitch=		-1.00
static_cg_height=	 8.25
gear_system_type=	 0

type= 			1
span-outboard=		0.500
extending-time=		20
system_type=		1
damaging-speed=		250
blowout-speed=		280
lift_scalar=		0.90
drag_scalar=		0.90
pitch_scalar=		0.50
flaps-position.0=	0
flaps-position.1=	1
flaps-position.2=	2
flaps-position.3=	5
flaps-position.4=	10
flaps-position.5=	15
flaps-position.6=	25
flaps-position.7=	30
flaps-position.8=	40

span-outboard=		0.500
extending-time=		6
system_type=		1
damaging-speed=		250
blowout-speed=		280
lift_scalar=		0.80
drag_scalar=		0.80
pitch_scalar=		0.50
flaps-position.0=	0
flaps-position.1=	0.5
flaps-position.2=	0.5
flaps-position.3=	0.5
flaps-position.4=	1.0
flaps-position.5=	1.0
flaps-position.6=	1.0
flaps-position.7=	1.0
flaps-position.8=	1.0

autopilot=		0, 5 , 17.0
avionics_bus=	 	0, 10, 17.0
avionics=	 	1, 5 , 17.0
gear_warning=	 	0, 2 , 17.0
fuel_pump1=	 	0, 5 , 17.0
fuel_pump2=		0, 5 , 17.0
light_nav=		0, 5 , 17.0
light_beacon=		0, 5 , 17.0
light_landing=		0, 5 , 17.0
light_taxi=		0, 5 , 17.0
light_strobe=		0, 5 , 17.0
light_panel=		0, 5 , 17.0
pitot_heat=		0, 15, 17.0
additional_system=	0, 20, 17.0
marker_beacon=		1, 2,  17.0
starter1=		0, 20, 17.0
starter2=		0, 20, 17.0
auto_brakes=		0, 15, 17.0
hydraulic_pump1=	0, 2,  17.0
hydraulic_pump2=	0, 2,  17.0
fuel_transfer_pump=	0, 5,  17.0
max_battery_voltage=	28.0
generator_alternator_voltage= 28.0
max_generator_alternator_amps= 60.0
electric_always_available= 1
engine_generator_map=	1, 1, 0, 0


number_of_exits=	2
exit_rate.0 = 		0.28
exit_rate.1 = 		0.28

tailhook_length=	4
tailhook_position=	0.0, 0.0, 0.0
cable_force_adjust=	0.5

fold_rates=	0.11,0.11

eyepoint=	43.50,-2.10,5.65

//Types: 1=beacon, 2=strobe, 3=navigation, 4=cockpit, 5=landing 6=taxi, 7=recognition, 8=wing, 9=logo (7,8,9 are gauge/switch specific)
light.0= 3, -11.50, -48.25,  3.00, NAVR_738 ,			//left nav
light.1= 3, -11.50,  48.25,  3.00, NAVG_738 ,			//right nav
light.2= 3, -15.80, -47.80,  3.00, iFDG_A320_inspection ,	//left id/logo
light.3= 3, -15.80,  47.80,  3.00, iFDG_A320_inspection ,	//right id/logo
light.4= 2, -12.60, -48.45,  3.00, KH737strobe ,		//left strobe
light.5= 2, -12.60,  48.45,  3.00, KH737strobe ,		//right strobe
light.6= 3, -51.60,   0.00,  7.60, iFDG_A320_inspection ,	//aft id
light.7= 2, -51.60,   0.00,  7.60, KH737strobe ,		//aft strobe
light.8= 1,   7.75,   0.00, 11.10, KH737BCNU ,			//upper beacon
light.9= 1,   0.00,   0.00, -3.20, KH737BCNL ,			//lower beacon
light.10= 5, 14.55,  -6.60,  2.90, iFDG_A320_inspection ,	//left wing inspection
light.11= 5, 14.55,   6.60,  2.90, iFDG_A320_inspection ,	//right wing inspection
light.12= 5,  9.00,  21.00, 13.50, B738wing ,			//right inspec splash
light.13= 5,  9.00, -21.00, 13.50, B738wing ,			//left inspec splash

elevator=	150,250
aileron= 	150,250
rudder=  	150,250


Center1=   3.00,   0.00, -2.00, 2302.00, 0.00
LeftMain= -1.00, -19.00,  0.00, 1429.00, 0.00
RightMain=-1.00,  19.00,  0.00, 1429.00, 0.00
fuel_type= 2

autopilot_available=			1
flight_director_available=		1
default_vertical_speed=			500
autothrottle_available=			1
use_no_default_pitch=			1
use_no_default_bank=			1
pitch_takeoff_ga=			8
autothrottle_arming_required=		1
autothrottle_takeoff_ga=		1
autothrottle_max_rpm=			102
max_pitch=				12.00
max_pitch_acceleration=		 	1.00
max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt=		2.00
max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt=		1.50
max_pitch_velocity_lo_alt_breakpoint=	20000
max_pitch_velocity_hi_alt_breakpoint=	28000
max_bank=				30.00
max_bank_acceleration=			1.80
max_bank_velocity=			3.00
max_throttle_rate=			0.10
nav_proportional_control=		9.00
nav_integrator_control=			0.25
nav_derivative_control=			0.00
nav_integrator_boundary=		2.50
nav_derivative_boundary=		0.00
gs_proportional_control=		9.52
gs_integrator_control=			0.26
gs_derivative_control=			0.00
gs_integrator_boundary=			0.70
gs_derivative_boundary=			0.00
yaw_damper_gain=			1.00

Audio.1=	1
Com.1=		1, 1
Com.2=		1, 1
Nav.1=		1, 1, 1
Nav.2=		1, 1, 0
Adf.1=		1
Adf.2=		1
Transponder.1=	1
Marker.1=	1

smoke.0= -2.50, -13.00,  -17.00, fx_hjg_707
smoke.1= -2.50, -13.00,   17.00, fx_hjg_707
//smoke.2=  3.00, -17.00,   48.75, B738_contrails
//smoke.3=  3.00, -17.00,  -48.75, B738_contrails

wake=		fx_wake
water=		fx_spray
dirt=		fx_tchdrt
concrete=	fx_sparks
touchdown=	fx_tchdwn, 1
windshield_rain_effect_available= 1

toe_brakes_scale=	0.800
parking_brake=		1

gear_warning_available=	1
pct_throttle_limit=	0.099976
flap_limit_power=	24.637185
flap_limit_idle=	0.974028

electric_pumps=		0
engine_map=		1,1,0,0
normal_pressure=	3000

type=			1

attitude_indicator.0=	1

turn_indicator.0=	1,0